We are here to see lives transformed
through hope in Jesus
Hope Church is a relatively new Church in the area. We believe everyone needs to know Jesus and that God uses local Churches to introduce people to him. Our desire is to provide another opportunity for folks in the area to encounter Jesus.
We’re a church for everyone. We embrace people’s differences, respect alternative view points and open the door to absolutely anyone who would like to find out more about the joy of walking with Jesus and the companionship of being part of a church family.
We have four values defining our Church life - Hear, Ask, Together, Go.
We believe
When we understand the Bible, we truly hear from God and lives are changed. The Bible is 66 books by many different writers, but God led them to say what he wanted, so it is the word of God.
We live
We are excited to hear what God is saying to us as we engage with the Bible. Whether it’s in our conversations together over dinner, our small groups or the teaching when we gather – we want to hear what God has to say to us.
We believe
Almighty God listens to us when we pray. Prayer changes the world.
We live
We are a Church devoted to prayer. Nothing gets done without prayer at the centre.
We believe
Church is a family you belong to, not an event you go to.
We live
We try to live as a community, sharing our lives with each other - from our hopes and fears to our dinner tables.
We believe
As we enjoy living alongside our neighbours and show them the love of Jesus, God will transform lives.
We live
We value and are committed to the community life of the Spey Valley – from toddler groups, to sports clubs, to charities, to cafes.